Sunday, June 12, 2016

Free University of Amsterdam

The unfastened college of Amsterdam (moreover acknowledged by using the usage of its Dutch initials, “VU,” stated “voo”) become based through Abraham Kuyper in 1880 because the first non-public college in the Netherlands. This theologian, journalist, reformer, and Dutch high Minister instilled a deep dedication to interdisciplinary thinking that lives directly to in recent times.

in recent times, the college teaches 25,000 university college students with the help of two,150 educational body of employees. The unfastened university needs to stay out its Christian values via its 3 stated dreams of range, educational community, and imaginative and prescient.

The free college takes its studies very severely. every institute want to supply a self-assessment every three years. furthermore, studies is evaluated each six years via a few other, impartial evaluation group.
This rigorous self-regulation assures that every thing of the studies initiative effectively produces new peer-reviewed guides, patents, and joint tasks incorporated with special universities and agencies, as suitable.
The university’s endowment is genuinely beneath 500 million.


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